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Alfonso Costa, Jr.

Falcone Group
Executive Vice President

Alfonso Costa Jr. serves as Executive Vice President of the Falcone Group (led by CEO Art Falcone), where he is responsible for overseeing various multi-family and mixed-use projects throughout the country, as well as all public-private partnership (P3) opportunities. Headquartered in South Florida, the Falcone Group is a real estate development & investment firm that has developed and acquired more than 30,000 multifamily apartments, 15 million square feet of commercial space, and 30,000 single-family homes throughout the country.

Mr. Costa is a graduate of Harvard Law School (JD), University of Oxford-United Kingdom (MSc), and Yale University (BA) where he played both Division-I basketball and Division-I lacrosse. He previously served in the Federal Government as Deputy Chief of Staff & Opportunity Zones lead for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Nationally, Mr. Costa serves on the Harvard Alumni Real Estate Board, and Housing Advisory Council Member of the Bipartisan Policy Center. In his home State of Florida, Mr. Costa is the Program Chair of ULI Florida’s Affordable & Workforce Housing Council (AWHC), Advisory Board Chair of the Nova Southeastern University Master’s in Real Estate Development (MSRED) Program, and recent Member of the City of West Palm Beach Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC).

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