Stephen Logan is Senior Vice President, of Urban Infill at Shopoff Realty Investments. Stephen joined Shopoff in 2022 and in his role as Senior Vice President, of Urban Infill.
Stephen has more than 25 years of experience in commercial real estate including development and building management. Stephen has built and entitled over $2B of projects on the West Coast. He has dealt with many jurisdictions throughout the entitlements including the Army Crops of Engineers, US Congress, CA Senators, and the Government along with the California Coastal Commission through all of his entitlement efforts.
Prior to joining Shopoff, Stephen served as Vice President, Development and a Partner at Merlone Geier Partners for more than 6 years, where he oversaw the firm’s development in California including The Village at Laguna Hills, NOHO West, Captiola Mall, Northgate Mall, South Shore in Alameda along with other opportunities within the firm.
After nearly 10 years in building management, Stephen joined Macerich in 2006, where he oversaw the re-development of Santa Monica Place, Broadway Plaza, Corte Madera, Northgate Mall, Vintage Faire Mall, and Fashion Outlets of San Francisco along with other expansions throughout the western portfolio.
Stephen began his career in building management with Spieker Properties in Orange, CA, where he served for more than 4 years, eventually overseeing the company’s West LA office expansion and capital improvements for Santa Monica Business Park. When the firm was purchased by Equity Office Properties Stephen went on to oversee all of the construction/capital improvement activities for LA County and approximately 9 million square feet of space.
Stephen was born and raised in Redlands, CA, and received his Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Arizona. He currently resides in Carlsbad, CA with his wife Heidi, and two children, Cooper 10, and Chloe 8.