Connect Media Brands

Lindsay Brand

Concert Properties
Chief Investment Officer

Lindsay joined Concert Properties in April 2024 as Chief Investment Officer (CIO). She brings a diverse perspective and a depth of development and investment experience across a variety of asset classes within a high-growth environment.

Prior to joining the company, Lindsay held increasingly senior roles during her ten years at the Dream group of companies. As Chief Investment Officer of Dream Unlimited Corp. and Dream Impact Trust she led over $2 billion of acquisitions and structured over $3 billion of development partnerships. In addition, she led the acquisition, asset management and development teams across these assets. Throughout her tenure she participated in the strategic growth of five public companies. Previously, Lindsay financed development deals at the Real Estate Commercial Banking Group and Corporate Development Group of a major Canadian financial institution.

As CIO of Concert Properties, Lindsay leads the company’s experienced national team responsible for the income-producing property portfolio, including acquisitions, dispositions, asset and fund management, leasing and property management. Lindsay also oversees Concert Income Properties, an open-ended, limited partnership Canadian fund.

Lindsay holds a Bachelor of Arts and Honours Business Administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario and a Master of Science in Real Estate Development from Columbia University in New York. Lindsay serves on the Board of Trustees for two public companies. In addition, she is also a trustee of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto, a member of the Finance Committee for Neuchatel Junior College.

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