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Jim Clewlow

CenterPoint Properties
Chief Operating Officer

Jim Clewlow was promoted to the role of Chief Operating Officer in 2023 after spending 18 years as CenterPoint’s Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer. His team of more than two dozen employees has acquired $11 billion and sold another $5 billion of industrial real estate since 2010. After working at CBRE for eleven years, Jim joined CenterPoint in 1997 as a Vice President of Acquisitions, Development, and Leasing. In 1999, he was promoted to Senior Vice President of Investments and joined the Executive Committee. In 1999, Jim was also appointed Chief Investment Officer of CenterPoint Venture, a joint venture of the Company and CalPERS. The joint venture’s success culminated in CalPERS acquiring CenterPoint in 2006.

Jim is a member of NAIOP and served as President of its Chicago chapter in 2012. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn appointed him to the Illinois Medical District Board of Commissioners, which he served from 2012 to 2016. Jim earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and an MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.

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