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Jerry Fink

The Bascom Group
Managing Partner

Jerome A. Fink is a co-founder & Managing Partner of The Bascom Group, LLC. Bascom has completed over $21 billion in multi-family and commercial value-added transactions since 1996 including more than 653 multifamily properties and 170,000 units. Bascom has ranked among the top 50 multifamily owners in the U.S. Bascom’s subsidiaries and joint ventures include Bascom Value Added Apartment Investors, Shubin Nadal Associates, Spirit Bascom Ventures, REDA Bascom Ventures, Bascom Northwest Ventures, Bascom Arizona Ventures, Harbor Associates, Village Partner Ventures, and the Realm Group. Bascom’s subsidiaries also include Premier Workspaces, one of the largest privately held executive suite companies in the U.S.

Prior to founding Bascom, Mr. Fink acted as Senior Acquisitions and Sales Manager from 1991 to 1995 for Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. His responsibilities included market assessment, property identification and negotiation, and the acquisition and disposition of real estate investments.

Mr. Fink holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Master of Business Administration in Real Estate and Finance from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a member of the Institute of Real Estate Managements (IREM) and Turnaround Management Association (TMA). Mr. Fink is a licensed real estate broker in the state of California, a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), a Certified Property Manager (CPM), a Certified Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor (CM&AA), and a Certified Turnaround Professional (CTP). He has appeared as a guest speaker at various functions, including those for the Urban Land Institute, University of California Los Angeles and Irvine, University of Southern California, and other assorted industry events. Mr. Fink previously served on the Board of Directors for the Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association and is currently a member of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate Executive Committee. He has previously served on the board for the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) California Coast chapter and is currently a member of the World Presidents Organization (WPO).

In 2004, Mr. Fink was awarded the Apartment Executive of the Year by the Real Estate Conference Group, the industry’s largest and most prestigious multifamily conference on the West Coast, and was later awarded the Rising Star award by the University of California Irvine Center for Real Estate in 2008. Mr. Fink was also recognized in the 2011 Multi-Family Executive Magazine. In 2016, Mr. Fink was awarded the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Orange County.

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